Call for Papers: The Chancellery of the Head of the House of Romanoff invites paper proposals for the First International St. Irene Forum on the subject “The Spiritual Foundations of the Slavic World”
The Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, invites scholars and community leaders to participate in the First International St. Irene Forum, a scholarly conference to be held in the Russian Federation and Belarus.
The St. Irene Forum is an academic gathering co-sponsored by the Patriarchal Mission in the Moscow Church of the Holy Great Martyr Irene in Pokrovskoe (the Embassy Church of the Belorussian Exarchate in Moscow), the Metropolitanate of Nizhnii Novgorod, the Vitebsk Exarchate of the Belorussian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate, the P. M. Masherov State University in Vitebsk, the Chancellery of the Head of the Russian Imperial House, H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, the International Association of Peace Foundations, and the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education, Art, and Culture.
The “St. Irene Conference,” which is a project of the St. Irene Forum, was conceived by organizers in 2015 with the following goals:
- To assist the efforts of the Russian Orthodox Church and educational institutions to draw the public’s attention to issues of spiritual and cultural identity of Orthodox society;
- To establish an academic dialogue between the Slavic nations on contemporary questions of importance in the Slavic world;
- To help preserve and disseminate the cultural values of the Slavic peoples;
- To further research into the role of the Romanoff dynasty in the formation and development of the Russian state and the history of the Slavic peoples.
Conference dates:
Moscow: November 8, 2016
Vitebsk: November 9-10, 2016
Nizhnii Novgorod: November 11, 2016
Diveevo, which will host a cultural and educational program: November 12-13, 2016
The Forum is chaired by Archbishop Dimitri (Drozdov) of Vitebsk and Orshansk, the rector of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr Irene in Pokrovskoe
Guidelines for papers and other conference particulars are attached to this announcement.
Alexander N. Zakatov, PhD
Director of the Chancellery
of the Head of the Russian Imperial House
and Co-Chair of the St. Irene Forum
Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends!
We invite you to participate in the First International St. Irene Forum, which will take place on November 8-12, 2016, in Russia and Belarus. The organizers and participants in the Forum come from a range of nations, including the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Serbia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Montenegro, and elsewhere.
Papers (both in the form of formal presentations and posters) will be published in a volume in advance of the conference (materials from presenters must be received by September 30, 2016).
Paper presentations will take place in Moscow, Vitebsk, or Nizhnii Novgorod (presenters can choose which city to present in) and participation is open to all. The Forum will include plenary sessions, round tables, panels and smaller sessions on focused topics.
For more information, please see the attached documents (the Information Packet and Application).
With respect,
The Organizing Committee
Registration Form
for the International St. Irene Forum – 2016
1. Name (Last, First, M.I.): ______________________________
2. Name of Present Employer: ______________________________
3. Position/title at your Present Employer: ______________________________
4. Session: ______________________________
5. Title of Presentation: ______________________________
6. Do you require technical support? Yes _____ No _____ (please check one)
7. Contact phone number: ______________________________
8. Will your presentation be on-site? _______ or off-site? _______ (please check one)
9. In what city do you prefer to give your presentation? Moscow _____ Vitebsk _____ Nizhnii Novgorod _____
10. Will you need hotel accommodation? Yes _____ No _____ (please check one)
Moscow e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Vitebsk e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Moscow tel.: 8-916-524-20-09
Vitebsk tel.: +375 29 271-10-18