2015-07-07 The Head of the House of Romanoff sends her greetings to the Eurasian Forum for Information Security and Cooperation
From the Head of the Russian Imperial House
I send my greetings to the organizers and participants of the 11th Eurasian Forum for Information Security and Cooperation “Infoforum-Eurasia/CRIMEA.”
New information technologies are a powerful force that can be used for constructive and, alas, destructive purposes. The dramatic events of the past few years in various nations across the world have demonstrated clearly how important security and cooperation are in the realm of information exchange. Many misfortunes and tragedies might have been avoided had steps been taken in advance to provide people with accurate information and to oppose the rise of hatred, civil war, religious fanaticism, and ethnic strife.
We must do everything we can to develop effective methods of using information technologies for the protection of peace and security, the preservation and development of good relations between nations and peoples, and the safeguarding of spiritual values and our environmental and cultural heritage.
I wish you all success in your efforts on behalf of the nation.
My son and heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, also sends his greetings on this important occasion.
May the Lord bless you all.
H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia
Madrid, June 24/July 7, 2015
Nativity of St. John the Baptist and Forerunner