On June 14 (June 1 according to the Julian Calendar), 2022, H.S.H. Princess Victoria Romanovna, the spouse of H.I.H. The Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, celebrated her first name day since her wedding on 1 October 2021.
- The Tsesarevich George of Russia and Princess Victoria Romanovna in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Ipatievsky Monastery The Tsesarevich George of Russia and Princess Victoria Romanovna in the Holy Trinity Cathedral in Ipatievsky Monastery
- Icon of the Holy Great Martyr George and the Holy Martyr Victoria, a gift from the members of the Russian Imperial Orders on the occasion of their wedding Icon of the Holy Great Martyr George and the Holy Martyr Victoria, a gift from the members of the Russian Imperial Orders on the occasion of their wedding
- Close up of Holy Martyr Victoria Close up of Holy Martyr Victoria
- Inscription of the Icon of the Ss. George and Victoria Inscription of the Icon of the Ss. George and Victoria
Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Romanovna: http://imperialhouse.ru/en/allnews-en/news/2022-05-18-the-birthday-of-her-serene-highness-princess-victoria-romanovna.html.
A prosperous and peaceful life, health and salvation, and success in all good endeavors, grant, O Lord, to the Most Pious and Right-Believing Grand Duchess Maria of Russia, her Heir, the Right-Believing Tsesarevich and Grand Duke George of Russia, and his spouse, the Right-Believing Victoria Romanovna, and their families, and preserve them for many years!
The Holy Martyr Victoria of Rome (of Solun)
(Official translations are not yet available in English)
Troparion, tone 4: Агница Твоя, Иисусе, Виктория / зовет велиим гласом: / Тебе, Женише мой, люблю, / и, Тебе ищущи, страдальчествую, / и сраспинаюся, и спогребаюся Крещению Твоему, / и стражду Тебе ради, / яко да царствую в Тебе, / и умираю за Тя, да и живу с Тобою, / но яко жертву непорочную, приими мя, с любовию пожершуюся Тебе. / Тоя молитвами, / яко Милостив, спаси души наша.
Kontakion, tone 2: Храм Твой всечестный яко цельбу душевную обретше, / вси вернии велегласно вопием ти, / дево мученице Викторие, великоименитая, / Христа Бога моли непрестанно о всех нас.
Archbishop Sergii (Spassky), Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka] (Moscow, 1875-1876; 2nd edition; Vladimir, 1901-1902, in 2 vols.; and reprinted in 1997), mentions four holy martyrs of the ancient Church with the name Victoria.
The patron saint of Empress-in-Exile Victoria Feodorovna and of H.S.H. Princess Victoria Romanovna, fiancée of the H.I.H. The Heir, Tsesarevich, and Grand Duke George of Russia, is the Holy Martyr Victoria of Rome (of Solun), who is commemorated by the Holy Orthodox Church on June 1/14.
A detailed vita for Holy Martyr Victoria of Rome (of Solun) has not survived and little is known about her life. It is traditionally believed that St. Victoria of Rome suffered for her faith in Christ during the reign of Emperor Decius (249-251) or Emperor Diocletian (284-305).
For more information:
Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka], vol. 1: Hagiographies (1st ed.), 1875.
Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka], vol. 1: Hagiographies (2nd ed.), 1901.
Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka], vol. 2: Hagiographies (first ed.), 1876, republished in 1997: Archbishop Sergii (Spasskii), Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka, po blag. Sviateishego patriarkha Moskovskogo i Vseia Rusi Aleksiia II (Moscow: Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia, 1997). Vol. 1: Vostochnaia agiologiia, XXII, 732pp., ISBN 5-7302-0515-5; idem, Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka, po blag. Sviateishego patriarkha Moskovskogo i Vseia Rusi Aleksiia II (Moscow: Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia, 1997). Vol. 2: Sviatoi Vostok, pt. 1, XXX, 398pp., ISBN 5-7302-0516-3; idem, Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka, po blag. Sviateishego patriarkha Moskovskogo i Vseia Rusi Aleksiia II (Moscow: Pravoslavnaia entsiklopediia, 1997). Vol. 3: Sviatoi Vostokk, Pts. 2 and 3, [1], 700pp., ISBN 5-7302-0517-1.
Online: Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka]. Vol. 1: Vostochnaia agiologoiia (text): https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Sergij_Spasskij/polnyj-mesjatseslov-vostoka-vostochnaja-agiologija/ ; Complete Menaion of the East [Polnyi mesiatsoslov vostoka]. Vol. Sviatoi vostok (text): https://azbyka.ru/otechnik/Sergij_Spasskij/polnyj-mesjatseslov-vostoka-tom-ii-svjatoj-vostok/.
See also: http://halkidon2006.narod.ru/saints/saints4/100_St_Viktoria.htm#a3