24 May 2023

2023-05-24 The Head of the House of Romanoff sent greetings to the International Competition “Legal Culture: The Basis for the Harmonious Development of the Individual and Society”




from the

Head of the Russian Imperial House,

H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia,

to the organizers, experts, partners, and participants

of the International Competition of Academic and Artistic Works,

Legal Culture: The Basis for the Harmonious Development of the Individual and Society”


I am delighted to send my warm greetings to the organizers, experts, partners, and participants of the International Competition of Academic and Artistic Works on the theme “Legal Culture: The Basis for the Harmonious Development of the Individual and Society”—especially as the 2022-2023 academic year marks the 10th anniversary of the Competition.


The Competition, which was first held in 2013-2014 and sponsored by the “Foundation for the Support and Development of Education, Creativity, Culture,” proved to be an enormous benefit for the important cause of education in our country. Thanks to this annual Competition every year since then, the study of the Russian language is being improved and emphasized, the environment for the use of Russian speech is expanding, and young people are acquiring an ever deeper understanding of patriotism, legal culture, and religious, national and civil peace in our country, and even well beyond its borders.


The Competition serves as one of several vital resources for shaping the principles and direction of state policy in education and culture, helping to preserve Russia’s natural science heritage, strengthening the best scientific schools, and introducing modern technologies that ensure the economic development and national security of our country.


I am especially pleased to note the high levels of participation in the Young Adult Category of the Competition, which provides an excellent opportunity for community building, exchanging knowledge and ideas, and acquiring skills and abilities by working together with fellow students and under the wise and caring guidance of teachers and mentors.


I, along with my son and heir, Grand Duke George of Russia, and his spouse, Her Serene Highness Princess Victoria Romanovna, extend our best wishes to the organizers, experts, partners, and participants of the Competition, praying that you all may have good health, new professional accomplishments, and God’s help in all your good endeavors.


[The original is signed in H.I.H.’s own hand:]




H.I.H. The Grand Duchess Maria of Russia


Madrid, 11/24 May 2023

Feast of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostle Cyril and Methodius,

Apostles to the Slavs


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