01 January 2018


The Head of the Russian Imperial House,
H.I.H. the Grand Duchess Maria of Russia,
and H.I.H. the Heir, Tsesarevich, and Grand Duke George of Russia
extend their heartfelt thanks to all their countrymen
and to friends of Russia around the word,
who have sent holiday greetings,
and likewise they in return send greetings for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in 2018,
wishing everyone good health, happiness, spiritual strength, and God’s help
in all their endeavours.

Grand Duchess Maria also warmly thanks all those who have sent
birthday greetings.


The Grand Duchess and the Grand Duke express their fervent hope that, in commemorating in the coming year the 100th anniversary of the martyrdoms of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers, of other executed members of the Imperial House of Russia, of their loyal servants, and of all victims of revolutionary terror and violence, we will constantly call to mind the immortal words of the Holy Royal Passion-Bearer Emperor Nicholas II, uttered by him while under arrest:

“Evil will never be defeated by evil. Only love can defeat evil.”

On July 11, 1929, the Head of the House of Romanoff, Emperor-in-Exile Kirill Vladimirovich, together with the First Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church Abroad, Metropolitan Antony (Khrapovitsky), established the custom of officially commemorating the memory of the martyred Imperial Family, declaring July 4/17, the day of the regicide, a “Day of Universal Sorrow of the Russian People.”

After the Holy Church glorified the murdered members of the Imperial Family as saints, this Day of Sorrow was transformed into a Church Feast Day, which is celebrated with a joyful and happy feeling, as are the Feast Days of other martyrs and passion-bearers of previous eras, the faithful fervently believing that, by their sufferings for Christ, the Holy Royal Passion-Bearers have been granted victory over godlessness, hatred, and falsehood, and have been given the gift to intercede for Russia before the very Throne of our Lord.

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